Appeal Punishments What is your In-game user name? (required) What is your Discord user name (Including the #Numbers)? (required) What is your punishment type? - are you banned, muted, etc. (required) Where was the punishment platform? Ingame, forums, discord, etc. (required) Have you been punished on Nightmare317 before? (required) What was the reason you received this punishment (required) Why should we revoke your punishments? (required) Any evidence can be provided here, URLS only. I agree everything I have typed here is wholly accurate and is in no way or shape embellished or exaggerated. I agree to accept all of the reasons I was punished as rules, I also acknowledge I will not break those rules. I agree to move on from the situation and no longer discuss it. This purely for an attempt to help keep the peace. And finally a small quiz to make sure you've read the rules recently. Answers in the form of "Rule 2" Which rule says you cannot hack/cheat? Which rule says no impersonation?